Monday, December 30, 2013

Pirate and Bounty Hunter Mechanic

The fact that Firefly The Game is coming out with a Pirates and Bounty Hunters expansion in March 2014.  However, that is still three months away and my fellow players are desiring more Player versus Player action right now.

So I got together with another of my regular players and we came up with a new mechanic to institute into the game.  This set of rules allows players to become pirates and actually attack each other for loot.

Now, I know that Firefly-Class Transports do not have any weapons on them.  The principle guiding this mechanic would be that the pirate ship is forcibly boarding the defending vessel.  Of course, we did not want players to be able to stock up on a single skill then run out and start pillaging every other captain in the 'Verse.

So there is a necessary amount of randomness attached to this, but that is more in the interest of balance.  Feel free to leave your feedback in the comments section of the blog.

Firefly: Pirate Wars Rules


In order to instill more Player vs. Player interaction in the game, the following rules can be enacted by unanimous decision at the start of the game.
These guidelines are in addition to the standard rules as laid out in the Firefly: The Game instruction manual.


I.                    Players can only be attacked by another Firefly if the two ships are occupying the same sector of space.

II.                  A player wishing to attack another player must use one of his or her actions to commence the attack by declaring “Pirate Attack”.

III.                The sequence of combat will be performed as follows:

a.      If the defender chooses, he may opt for an Evasion Roll.  If successful, the Defender evades to an adjacent sector of space.  See chart below.

b.      The Attacker rolls for the “Skill Test Determination”.  See Chart below.

c.       The Defender rolls for the “Loot Determination”.  See Chart below.

d.      Both the Attacker and the Defender roll a dice and then add that number to applicable skill set as determined in Step III.B.

e.      The winner is whoever has a higher score.

f.        Winner receives the loot, as determined by the Loot Determination Roll in step III.C

IV.                If the loser cannot pay the loot, re-roll the “Loot Determination” roll.

a.      If the player has no loot that can be claimed by any Loot roll, the loser’s captain is disgruntled.

b.      The Attacker is free to negotiate his loot reward, instead of re-rolling the “Loot Determination” roll.

V.                  The Winner will evade upon completion of the attack to an adjacent space.

VI.                Neither player can hire disgruntled crew from the other once hostilities have commenced.


Special Rules and Addendums

1.      If the Defender wins, the Attacker receives a Warrant (unless the Defending Ship has an active Warrant award for pirating).

2.      If a ship (that has no Warrants) attacks a ship that has received a Warrant (and still has that Warrant) from pirating, they can claim a $500 bounty from Harken if they successfully beat the pirate ship.

a.      This will also make the winning non-warranted ship captain solid with Harken if they were not already.

b.      The bounty will double if the player is already solid with Harken.

c.       This bounty is paid by the bank to the player and is in addition to any loot obtained during the attack.

d.      This bonus does not apply to Defending ships.

3.      If the loot to be received is an enemy crew member:

a.      If the winner does not have space on his ship for more crew:

                                                              i.      The winner can kill one of the loser’s crew.

                                                            ii.      The winner can kill one of his own crew if he is in open space to make room for the new crew member.

                                                          iii.      The winner can dismiss one of his crew if the ships are in a sector occupied by a planet or space station, to make room for the new crew member.

b.      If the winner chooses to kill a crew (either his or his opponent’s), all of his Moral Crew are disgruntled and you become Solid with Niska.

4.      The winning ship cannot loot or destroy cargo for which he does not have room for on his ship.  For example, if an Attacker wins all of the loser’s 4 Cargos, but only has 2 spaces to store them on his ship, he may only take two Cargo and leave the other two on the loser’s ship.

5.      If the Loot is Cash, that money is taken from the loser’s cash reserves, and not from the bank.

*If the loser has a Ship Upgrade to expand their Stash, cargo and contraband stored in there will not be looted.


No Modifiers
Roll a “6” and discard 1 Fuel to evade.
Roll “5” or greater and discard 1 Fuel to evade
Pilot + Mechanic
Roll “4” or greater and discard 1 Fuel to evade.
Roll greater than “4” to evade.  No fuel needed.
CRY BABY in Alliance Space
If a “6” is rolled (and only a 6), the Defender can discard their Cry Baby to call the Cruiser to their position.  The Attacker will have to play through the Alliance Encounter Card, however, they will have to treat ALL crew as Wanted Crew.
CRY BABY in Border Space
If a “6” is rolled (and only a 6), the Defender can discard their Cry Baby to call the Reaver Cutter to their position.  Both players must perform the Reaver Encounter Card. Neither ship can evade into the same space.


Dice Result
1 – 2
The Pirates forcibly board their victim’s vessel, armed and ready to fight…
Fight Skill
3 – 4
The Pirates stealthily sneak aboard their victim’s vessel, hoping to steal some loot without detection…
Tech Skill
5 – 6
The Pirates hail their victims and attempt to negotiate their immediate surrender…
Negotiate Skill


Dice Result
Winner will take from loser:
All fuel and parts the loser has in his cargo hold and stash*
All cargo and contraband the loser has in his cargo hold and stash*
One Equipment / Gear of the winner’s choosing.
One Crew of the winner’s choosing.
One Ship Upgrade of the winner’s choosing
Cash equal to $500 multiplied by the difference between the Attacker’s score and the Defender’s score.

 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<  End of Instructions  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Try out these new rules (which will probably be made obsolete with the next expansion) and tell me what you think about them.

If you haven't read our other articles on Salvage Ops, please give it a read-over.

Stay Shiny, folks!

~ Captain Paddy Bardic

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